Friday, January 28, 2011

Picture Challenge #10

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the silliest things with.

"You don't need someone to be silly with" is what my husband just said.  But being silly with my girls makes it even more fun.  I'm pretty silly with all of my friends, but there are three special people who I am the SILLIEST with.  I couldn't pick just one of them, because I have many moments with all of them that rank a 10 on the silly scale!

First is my Stephanie.
 Steph and I are sorority sisters and just all around crazy when we get together.  She helped dye my hair ORANGE, we had many "mentos moments" (see above), we have pranked many people, we took over her now husband's apartment and had a slumber party, and we have a mutual love for U2!  This picture is from the last summer we spent together before she moved to the Chicago area with her wonderful hubby and now she has two beautiful children who I am sure will be just as awesome, fun and silly as she is!

Next, my Ashley.
 Good heavens at the silly times we've had.  The night we laid in my kitchen floor having giggle fits, computer chatting (please tell me you know what I'm talking about...which I'm sure you do), and many, many nights talking to the wee hours of the morning with a mixture of crying and giggling so hard at stupid people. 

And finally my cousin Jessica.
She is the closest I have to a sister, so needless to say we have had our silly times.  Jess...remember this??

Long story short...we were sitting in Destin, FL waiting for a table at our favorite restaurant and after over 1 hour we were pretty delirious and made up a little dance to this song.  Or this.....

I can't even begin to describe why this song makes us silly...just listen to the end of the lyrics and imagine us yelling at the top of our lungs in the car "DON'T TURN OFF THE LIIIIIIIIGHTS"

I love all of my friends, but life wouldn't be half as fun without the silliness of these three ladies.

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