Saturday, January 8, 2011

Challenge #7 The Pantry

A Bowl Full of Lemons has a daily organization challenge that I am going to participate in. Jump on over to her blog to join in the fun! Check back daily to see the progress I make on the house!!

Challenge #7 was one of those done while I was on the original organization kick when Challenge #1 here are the pictures!

This is the one area I should not let slip this bad, but I have a bad habit of just shoving things where they will fit and slam the door shut. This is just embarrassing to even show.
But I have to show where I came from to where I am now! WOW. The amount of expired cans and boxes in the top is shameful. But how nice!

 I am proud to say the pantry still looks this good after one week!  That is a record for this family!!


  1. it looks great!!! mine looks sooo much worse!!! I came across the challenges today so I haven't done mine...but will soon!
    Good job!

  2. Excellent effort! Resembled my warzone basement! Much improved.

  3. Great job! I have had to throw out a lot on past clean-outs, so I know how you feel.

    I just posted my reorganized pantry post HERE if you'd like to take a peek.

  4. That looks so much better. I wish I had a closet like that!
    I showed my pantry cabinet and how I used the plastic containers to hold your stuff on my blog. Check it out...
