Thursday, January 6, 2011

Challenge #5 - Under the Kitchen Sink

A Bowl Full of Lemons has a daily organization challenge that I am going to participate in. Jump on over to her blog to join in the fun! Check back daily to see the progress I make on the house!!

Challenge #5 was getting under the kitchen sink.  Oh boy.  Not one I was looking forward to.  It wasn't a HUGE mess, I just hated getting under there.  So here is my before picture.

Yeah, pretty junky.  So I took everything out.

 I had Lysol wipes that were so old they dried out in their "never dry out container" and some samples that were empty bottles.
 5 vases?!  I didn't even realize they were down there.
 And my random glove. 
 So here is one of my after shots.  Nice, neat and organized.  My dish drainer actually fits now!
 I placed the vases and the Medieval Times stein on the extra shelf.  I was about to toss the stein, but you never know when you'll need it.  If it hasn't been used by April, it is gone.
 My basket with my soaps, dish washing liquids, fingernail polish remover (yes, I remove my polish over the kitchen sink) and the sink cleaner.  The fire extinguisher is more towards the back, but still accessible JUST in case.
 So this grip liner box that I had when we moved in is the perfect size for my foils, wraps, and rolls of various things.  The box is ugly though.  Scrapbook papers to the rescue!
 I have this Mat Stack which has several sheets left in it and it is self adhesive!  I found a cute polka-dot print and cut it to fit.
And there we go!  It looks MUCH better! 
 My label maker is now my new best friend!
So here is the final reveal.  This challenge is now my new best friend!!!  Now if I can just get the playroom done.........


  1. Adhesive scrapbooking paper? Why didn't I know about that? I like the one rubber glove. I'm totally surprised I didn't find that under my kitchen sink, too. It looks good.

  2. This is fantastic! It looks great. Hey, I thought *I* was the Queen of Dilly-Dallying. ;)

  3. Ok. You're inspired me. I'm starting with the challenge today!
